31 January 2006


May I indroduce JUSTICE Alito...

Run for the hills!
Hide your children!
Move to Canada!
Move to MARS!
...Anything to escape the extremist, right-wing, wrath of JUSTICE ALITO! We're all gonna DIE!

Okay, we have nothing to fear from this man. He believes in rule of law and the Constitution, unlike some other justices of the 'enlightened' left-wing persuasion. As usual, the liberals are engaging in projection (see, I knew there was mental condition that described them!), fearing that their rivals will be as disshonorable, low-down, and greedy as they are.

Now, in keeping with the triumph of the eeeeeeeeevilll Samuel Alito over the valiant and pure Ted Kennedy, I'm off to sacrifice some endangered forest animals on the hood of an SUV in celebration...

There is no insult like the truth. While it is true that many Muslims are peaceful people, what are they trying to do to stop the violent sections of their religeon? Islam is a religeon of violence, having buried more people than Catholicism*, in its darkest hours, ever did. Islam does subvert the rights of women more than any religeon I can name. This is the truth. Why is this worth even speaking up for? And why is Islam the only religeon today that is above critique? You can make fun of Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Shamans, Druids, Witches, Mormons, and Atheists without getting much backlash... but make even the smallest jab at Islam, and you have to huker down while the death threats fly.

Though Jyllands-Posten has taken down the caricatures, Michelle Malkin can hook you up.

*...and there were protests from within against that, finally cumulating in the Reformation. Catholicism, you notice, is not really a violent religeon any more.

26 January 2006

Excuse Me?

Doug Anglin wants to be treated fairly, or so he claims. Sound's good. I'm for it.
What I'm not for is "looking past boys' poor work habits and rule breaking". This is Anglin's version of fair.
It makes me very angry to read of people espousing such anarchistic views. It also makes me angry when people make stupid leaps of logic, like assuming that inequality of outcome means that there was an inequality of opportunity: "At Milton High School, girls outnumber boys by almost 2 to 1 on the honor roll. In Advanced Placement classes, almost 60 percent of the students are female." I highly doubt that such inequality is the fault of the school, looking at how most high school students behave these days.

If it sounded like there was actual discrimination going on, I'd be on Anglin's side... but instead, he's just bitching, moaning, and worst, trying to break down the rigid structure of rules that children and young adults espcially need in school. I don't buy into the argument that men naturally rebel any more than women do, but only becuase women do it just as much. The fact that at his school, the girls have buckled down more than guys is not the fault of the school.
"The system is designed to the disadvantage of males," Anglin said. ''From the elementary level, they establish a philosophy that if you sit down, follow orders, and listen to what they say, you'll do well and get good grades. Men naturally rebel against this."
I can think of a predominatly male organization that is built around 'sitting down, following orders, and listening'... and the men in it don't rebel! I'm in it... One does not succeed by being an anarchist. People are natually selfish and lazy, therefore rebelious against structure. To become successfull, to become a part of society, a person must overcome their impulses, the animal side of their nature. The animal nature of the human race is what Anglin is speaking to, and the animal nature of the human race is the bane of civilization.

It's one thing to rebel to gain liberty, to gain recognition of God-given rights... but it's another to whine and moan that rules need to be toned down to server one's 'rebelious nature'.

That's gall...

Pure, unmitigated, gall... and it get's more and more absurd. What's a stronger word than absurd? I could almost justify its use to describe this...

So, let me get this straight: It's cool for Saddam to starve, gas, shoot, and torure Iraqis, but should anyone else so much as raise a hand to do good, it's not cool?
Oh yeah, and since when did we intentionally kill civilians LIKE SADDAM HUSSEIN DID FOR DECADES? Where does the man get off?
He's like the democrats back here... well, lefties in general: do something bad, then say the other guy did it/does it/is going to do it*. Isn't that a psychological disorder, when you accuse another of doing what you do? Really, I think it is, but being trained in... stargatey stuff... and not psychology, I'm not sure.

I shake my head and head over to IMAO for some laughs...

*How does that pertain to lefties? Well, look at the Alito debate. They are scared that Alito might rule from the bench... like they do.

24 January 2006

It'll blow your mind

Ford Motor Company CEO Bill Ford has a plan... It is a daring plan, a plan with the potential to really jumpstart the company. Yes, this plan is profound, sweeping in scope, and incredible to behold. It will blow... your... mind! Check it out: (by the way, I totally did not make this up!)
"We must reduce capacity in North America," Chairman and Chief Executive Bill Ford said. "From now on our products will be designed and built to satisfy customers, not just fill a factory."
WHOA! Can you believe this? Why, this is incredible! This is spectacular!

So what on earth have they been doing this whole time? And why is professional leech Union Leader Ron Gettelfinger upset about it? What does he think, that Ford exists to provide jobs (and ergo, him money)? What about the cars? If it costs Ford money to make cars, they can't make them for long.

The U.S. automakers are getting spanked by (insert nationality here) car makers because our cars don't really stack up to comparably priced foreign cars. Now, this is not to say that American cars suck, but it is to say that they cost more than vehicles of their kind ought to... though inspiring designs have been all but absent from the big three except possibly Daimler Chrysler (Hint: DAIMLER)... The UAW is the primary cause, I believe, of overvalued cars and of falling profits. They are responsible because they have forced companies to operate in factory filling mode. They have forced unviable benefit plans in their greed for power that are hemoraging corporate dollars that should be going to build cars... AndI have yet to verify, but I bet that they have hindered automation as well... automation that brings superlative precision and efficiency, the sort that humans can't deliver.

Ayn Rand once said that no man should live for another's sake. While I can't entirely buy that, it's mostly correct in life and completely correct in business. Looks like Bill Ford finally figured that out. How many billions were lost so he could see this?

Related Article...

22 January 2006

More Definitions

Belafonte is at it again... somebody buy this man a dictionary or an encyclopedia or something! He calls the Homeland Security Department the modern day Gestapo...

Comparing anything to the Nazis must be done VERY carefully, lest we forget how terrible they were. NOTHING in this nation's history comes close to the Gestapo. To find modern day rivals, you must travel to China or Zimbabwe... nations which have not seemed to arouse Mr. Belafonte's ire. This is entirely typical, though, of liberals: In their mind, the United States is evil simply because they don't like it (because we are not Communist enough? What's the deal? This nation is the most free!), while truly evil and represive nations are not only cool, but get a complete pass when they actually do wrong... even support sometimes.

For example, as Belafonte speaks of arrests without charge, need I remind you of where he just was? He was in Venezuela, a formerly free nation now run by a Communistic dictator... a dictator with whom he schmoozed. Why did he say nothing of the abuses of power there? Instead he attacks the U.S., a land that really has not abused power. The people we are 'arresting' are prisoners of war! What would he have us do with them? Let them go to fight us another day? Is he insane?

Nobody's getting dragged from their homes here. We don't do that... But Belafonte's buddy, Hugo Chavez, sure has...

Call it like it IS...

21 January 2006


This is a dissident:

This is NOT:

Do I have to post my definition of terrorist thing AGAIN? Screw that, I should send it to the AP... If only I could send them a clue bat via email.

Words mean things, folks. What Osama and his ilk are is not a matter of opinion and to call them other than what they are is to try to hide what they are. Why anyone would want to hide this, I can only guess...

14 January 2006

Reaping the Whirlwind

This is not the result of guns, pellet guns, or failure to make pellet guns look less lethal (pellet guns most certainly can be lethal)... this is a result of a poorly disciplined child... This sort of thing never happened until recently, you'll note. Hey, I'm just heading that one off at the pass. There will be handwringing over what could have been done to stop this, how the cops could have done better and all that.
Make no mistake, the blame ultimately lies with one person: Christopher Penley. He had choice in what he did. However, some blame does lie with his parents, I'll bet. Some also lies with our education system, as this is the result of moral relativism (what's right for me is not what's right for you; right and wrong are realtive), the result of poor discipline, and the result of a world where there are too few hard consequeces.
Now, looking on another part of the page, perhaps this kid was suicidal (pointing anything at a cop without failing to kill him or her is a great way to get youself killed). That does actually lead to some interesting things, like why on God's green earth a kid so young would be suicidal, but we still end up with the fact that he had no regard for other people... a sign that he was morally compromised. Such people, when they fail to attract the attentions of law enforcement at an early age do so later in life, gereraly in a more spectacular manner.

The punk got what he had coming.

Please, may nobody turn this into an equipment issue, though I know somebody will because it is easier to do that than to confront the darkness and evil of the untamed human soul. This kid would have killed himself or others regarless of what kinds of props he had lying around. The only thing that would have stopped him was a change of heart.

11 January 2006

And now for something actually funny!

...and now for something actually funny: How to Write About Africa. Whoever wrote it was not a great writer, but boy, it's funny!

I found it after a blogroll walkabout.

09 January 2006


This is real funny, about as funny as Cuba and China being members of the UN Human Rights Commission. File under 'The Moon Landing Was Faked' and 'The Earth Is Flat'.

I think what Ahmadinejad wants is to make a new Holocaust, one that makes the Nazi led extermination and the rest of pogroms look insignificant. Realize that this man wants anyone even remotly Jewish dead for the crime of being Jewish. Also realize that he will try to excute plans to realize his wish... what do you reckon those nukes his government is working on are for? The world should be at this man's neck, but so far, he has recieved several resolutions from the UN and not much else.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the planet
Do I need to remind anyone of the definition of 'terrorist' again? *sigh* I guess so... I guess there was something in Belafonte's eye.. something that kept him from looking at who he was sitting next to. That man is a far close match to 'terrorist' that Bush ever can be. Things must be called what they are, and never called what they are not. Just because you don't like sombody does not make them a terrorist. Debate will never progress with lies.

08 January 2006


I have long acused Microsoft of being this big, evil, soulless... thing, but they have taken my silly fantasy and turned it real.
Here it is.
Google, too, is guilty.

Now, I understand that there are certain laws in China and the to break them is to be expelled. Well, what's going on there is wrong. Sombody grow a pair and do the right thing! China is not worth becoming the snitch to the tyrant for! Nothing is.

Human rights. Democracy. Freedom. Taiwan. Dali Lama.
Enjoy speaking of them. The Chinese are forbidden. Shame on those who abet the Red Chinese Government in their continued efforts to silence man's natural yearning for freedom.


But not for long...
Israellycool was down, so I went to a site I hadn't been to in a while... Terrorism Unveiled...
I found this.

I would have posted this under GWOT +, but check the update...
'I can only express concern that borders on alarm!'

I know this sort of thing is typical of American MSM, but DAMN! I never read the papers except for the base paper and a few Air Force internal papers, having concluded about three years ago that there is no point in reading constant America bashing, military bashing, and pointless blather (lifestyle, entertainment, sports)... so to see that front page was a bit shocking for me.

Told ya so...

Iraq was supporting global terror... as has been said ALL ALONG by some... just thought I'd mention it some more after my daily vist to Michelle Malkin.

The detractors of this war are grasping at straws to explain why it is wrong, but one day, all those straws will be gone. There will be no more arguments against, tenuous as the arguments are now. Just you see... There are reasons that we are at war where we are, good reasons. Iraq was not a frivolous campaign, not revenge for Bush 41, not at all to do with oil, and not to do with Haliburton. It's about national security and global stability... real stability, and not more of the foolish placation that served to create the illusion of stability for so long.

By the way, my bet is that most of the bio- and chem-weapons that Saddam had (you know, the ones he used, threatened to use, and planned to sell to fund his gutted nuke program), the really big stockpiles, are going to turn up in Syria.

07 January 2006


Things we take for granted:

Unemployment rate halved.

3 new international airports.

97% of small children immunized against measles, mumps, rubella, and polio.

The brutalization goes on...

06 January 2006

Pat Robertson is on CRACK!

At least that's about the only explanation that I can come up with for his remarks about Ariel Sharon. Punished by God? Puh-LEEZ! For a man who claims to be a Christian, he has not read his Bible that well and is rather uncharitable towards a man who's suffering is not his fault. I wonder what ol' Pat will have to say when he sucumbs to the ravages of old age at long last...Will he blame himself? What will he blame himself for?

My prayers, at least, are with the Prime Minister. I know he will not lead again, but I hope he at least can live in peace for a while. He's more than earned it.

04 January 2006


IT has finally happened! That's right, IT! ...for real this time!
IMAO's all over it, of course. All of you do it with me now: don your shirts, you know the ones I mean, and look up at the moon... now wave goodbye! I call it a good start. Wait, this must be an excavation explosion for the Air Force's secret moon base... shoot, now I have to kill you all!

Speaking of excavations, prayers are answered...
EDIT: ONE miner made it out, it seems. For this, I am still thankful. Better one than none.

02 January 2006


I saw it. I loved it. I don't care that it is not a History Channel documentary... in truth, to tell the full story of revenge would be way more boring than the story told in here. On the other hand, the portrayal of the Munich incident itself was eerily real. Forget what Spielberg was trying to do with movie, just watch it. It's a good story and very dramatic, even if a few events were telegraphed and a few scenes horribly clichéd.
I don't know who played Golda Meir, but whoever she was, she was a dead ringer for the real McCoy... maybe not quite as thin, but the resemblence was spectacular enough to make me forget for a while that the people on screen where people on the screen.
Here is what I mean, with the real Meir and the one from the film:

Above pic is from IGN.com, btw...

Oh by the way, NOT for the faint of heart.