07 July 2017

I am not on anyone's side...

...because nobody is on my side. So it seems, sometimes.

Bonus post for slacking in June...

So there's this miscreant. I have no idea who she is though I'd not dignify her tasteless antics with a name if I did. She's no good, a bad news type. She thought it would be a good idea to piss on an American flag and post a video of such with ranting about "fuck nationalism" or something like that. I find it all disgusting and dishonorable. I would like her to leave this land if she does not like it to that degree. North Korea might be an agreeable place, though their tollerance for her shenanigans may be somewhat less. I hate this woman.

...And I find myself jumping to her defense, and this is what's making feel like an ent. People, predicatably, are jumping down her throat. Great, she deserves it. What she doesn't deserve are death and rape threats. Really, people? Rape as a punishment, as revenge? That's savagery. I want all those people to leave this land as well. Actually, I'm more likely to want them dead. Is that too much? Am I overstepping? I don't care if they "don't really mean it" or "just said it on the internet". It's evil. THEY are evil. ...And I don't want them. I hate them.

Can I go live with the rational adults, please?


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