16 April 2017


Chemical weapons are bad.

Okay, but anything can be weapon. Killing is bad. Why does it matter how we kill?

A chemical weapon really can't be moralized at all. It's random, kills or mains all, and worst of all, is cruel. To quote the hero of Canton, "I'll kill a man in a fair fight, or if I think he's gonna start one... but cutting people up? Where does that get fun?"
If you need to use a weapon, you have a moral obligation to use it only as needed and only on they that are attacking you. Even a nuclear weapon can be used under these rules. Chem, bio, and radiological weapons can not.

Where am I going with this?
In Syria, we just blew up an airfield. Some are outraged. Why?

Is there any excuse at all for gassing people? If you must kill, kill. Do not cause suffering. But, for crying out loud, why do civilians need to be killed? For disagreeing? For being in the wrong place? The only justification that exist to kill a person is that they are a threat to your life. If they disagree with you, well that's too bad unless they want to injure you. If they don't want to put up with your shit any more, consider less shit.
Assad is a murderer.
Chemical weapons have no place in the world.
Assad should not be allowed to have such weapons.
How could anyone disagree with this?

What about nukes, you say?
What about them?
It sure would be nice if there weren't any, but there are, and not all of them are in good hands. Until that changes, the good guys (those nations that have free elections and recognition of human rights) need to have nukes. Nobody needs chemical weapons. Militaries that use them ought to be punished by the international community by having their stuff destroyed.
Again, there is no reason to have this stuff, it should not be tolerated... especially when we witness it being used on civilians.

I'd love to blow up every base on the planet that holds the stuff.

Trump did us a favor by enforcing Obama's policy.
Also, I don't see a difference, morally, between Assad and Hitler. Both gassed civilians. Gassing one, gassing a billion...you're a monster either way and need to be put down. Maybe lay off the press secretary. Stand in his shoes for a day and see how bad you screw up. The real bad guy here is Assad...and Putin for defending him.


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