21 June 2010

Mass Misunderstanding, Mass Incompetence

Round about 60 days or so ago, an explosion destroyed an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Since then, one of the biggest loads of BS I've even seen has been swallowed by the the American people, if I can trust the polls.

Most people seem content to demonize BP as if they did this intentionally. They cheer as BP has 2 billion extorted from it. They become enraged when Mr. Hayward goes yachting. They swoon as the President tells blatant lies.

Where is the outrage over our President's appalling failure? I'm not making political hay here! What is it called when an offer from the dutch of four large skimmer ships is turned down without comment? Those ships could have damn near kept up with the leak! Just those four... and our President turned them away. This offer was made three days after the spill... where is the outrage about that?
Where is the outrage over the fact the Governor Jindal's request to barricade the Louisiana wetlands against the spill is still pending on Capitol Hill? Where is the outrage that the U.S. Coast Guard help back several boom ships? Where is the outrage over the President ordering BP to cease use of chemical dispersants?

People are content to slam BP and cheer as they are hauled up before congress, but they say nothing about the fact that all other drilling in the American Gulf waters are now still. They do not notice the hit to their own pension and investment funds. They let the President get away with saying that the only oil we have left is five miles down when Alaskan land has something like three times more that OPEC.

I've written the truth now. You can ignore it and join the mindless mob or you can search it yourself, verify that it is true, and join me in an effort to hold the U.S. government as culpable for the continued disaster as BP was for getting sloppy and letting it happen. You tell me which is the bigger crime, though.


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