28 May 2010

The L-word

No, not that one. I'm not talking about anything remotely amusing. Recently, Richard Blumenthal, candidate for Senator from Connecticut, was accused of misrepresenting his military service. In fact, the term "misrepresented" gets tossed around a lot in politics. I don't like it at all. There is a far simpler word, one that carries the full meaning of the act: Lie. I don't like this spin. I think that the word "misrepresent" is used to dull the impact of one of the worst things a human can do. Let's call things what they are stop with the sugar coating. When you say something that is not completely true, whether by omission, exaggeration, minimization, or outright fabrication, that is called lying. You are no better by saying that you misrepresented something or that you misspoke... in fact, you're worse, because now you refuse to take responsibility for what you did.

I'm really disturbed that Blumenthal's numbers did not tank. He got caught lying and nobody cared. What kind of Twilight Zone episode am I in? A guy lies to me and he's done. Why are people so cool with this? Why do we not take offense when people who want power from us lie to us? Perhaps we deserve our lying leaders... only thing is, I never vote for or support liars, so I think I deserve better.


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