31 January 2006

There is no insult like the truth. While it is true that many Muslims are peaceful people, what are they trying to do to stop the violent sections of their religeon? Islam is a religeon of violence, having buried more people than Catholicism*, in its darkest hours, ever did. Islam does subvert the rights of women more than any religeon I can name. This is the truth. Why is this worth even speaking up for? And why is Islam the only religeon today that is above critique? You can make fun of Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Shamans, Druids, Witches, Mormons, and Atheists without getting much backlash... but make even the smallest jab at Islam, and you have to huker down while the death threats fly.

Though Jyllands-Posten has taken down the caricatures, Michelle Malkin can hook you up.

*...and there were protests from within against that, finally cumulating in the Reformation. Catholicism, you notice, is not really a violent religeon any more.


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