08 January 2006

Told ya so...

Iraq was supporting global terror... as has been said ALL ALONG by some... just thought I'd mention it some more after my daily vist to Michelle Malkin.

The detractors of this war are grasping at straws to explain why it is wrong, but one day, all those straws will be gone. There will be no more arguments against, tenuous as the arguments are now. Just you see... There are reasons that we are at war where we are, good reasons. Iraq was not a frivolous campaign, not revenge for Bush 41, not at all to do with oil, and not to do with Haliburton. It's about national security and global stability... real stability, and not more of the foolish placation that served to create the illusion of stability for so long.

By the way, my bet is that most of the bio- and chem-weapons that Saddam had (you know, the ones he used, threatened to use, and planned to sell to fund his gutted nuke program), the really big stockpiles, are going to turn up in Syria.


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