30 November 2005

Holiday trees and candlesticks

The gang on Fox news made a very good point this morning that had me cheering. I think it was E.D. Hill that raised the brilliant idea, but I can't get any of their names straight. The point was this: how offensive would it be to call the Menorah a candlestick? Everyone agreed that to diminish the Menorah like that was indeed offensive. The point was then extended to cover Christmas trees.

This kind of thinking, I tell you! I not only don't like the term 'holiday tree', but what holiday other than Christmas has a tree anyway? Huh? Hmm? Speak up! I suppose you could make a connection to the winter solstice as the tree itself comes from, if I recall correctly, the druidic traditions in what is now Germany. It could also be a result of the temple decorations used in Saturnalia, but I don't think anyone still celebrates that. So... CHRISTMAS tree! Call it what it is. Christmas is not a hard word. Say it!

What I really can't wrap my brain around, more than those who will not name Christmas, are those offended by it. Come on! How could it possibly be offensive? First, from a religeous perspective, it marks the birth of Jesus. No matter who you are, you can agree that Jesus was born at some point and that he was a very upright and kind man. His Deity is between you and he for now, but I really wonder what kind of person finds Jesus to be offensive... I guess no good deed goes unpunished. Second, from a cultural perspective, Christmas is a time of giving, goodwill, and peace. It's a time of mending and of friendship. I DARE sombody to get offended by that, I DARE them. Also, as currently celebrated, Christmas combines the tradtions of many cultures into one giant celebration. Yep, real offensive, that. Further, I can find nothing offensive or exclusionary even in any of the roots of what is now Christmas. For crying out loud, it's the one holiday where master and servant sit and feast together! Nobody is left out, there is no celebration of any one racial group (HEH-HEM!)... how is this offensive?

A vast majority of the people of Europe, west Asia, Oceana, and the Americas celebrate Christmas in some way. To those that do not, let us do our thing! It will do no harm to you to let us celebrate. You don't have to join in, after all, nobody is forcing Jews to tear down or re-name their Menorah. In the same way, leave Christmas be. Let there be Crèches, let there be Christmas trees, let there be parades and carols and plays, let there be, for once, no squabbling! Or better yet, just stop being offended by Christmas! That's like getting offended by an act of kindness...

Lastly, you may have picked up on the fact that I am no fan of Kwanzaa. I find it offensive because of its racist and communist nature. I had originally thought that it was simply silly until I read Dr. Karenga's website on the subject. He, for the record, created the holiday in 1966. Now, though I may not like it, you will note that I am not now nor ever going to try to monkey with any part of Kwanzaa. I will not call for the celebrants to change anything as some have demanded of Christmas. I will not try to force them into subdued celebration as some have demanded of Christmas. I will leave those who celebrate that holday to their celebration... unless they get realy nasty and start, as part of their celebrations, activities that would judge people by the color of their skin or that advanced communism, but I don't see that happening. This is the last time that I will even mention it until that day.

I have a feeling, however, that this is not the last time that I will be defending Christmas, my favorite holiday, from deconstructionist snarks. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some CHRISTMAS carols on my guitar, maybe put up some CHRISTMAS lights, eat a CHRISTMAS cookie, wrap some CHRISTMAS presents, and maybe try to hook up a CHRISTMAS play or even worse, a MANGER SCENE...



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