20 November 2005


Rumor has it (Jeruselem Post) that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (not his real name by the way) is dead. Supposedly, he was hiding in a house in Mosul when coaltion forces surrounded him. I guess he does not remember the time when Uday and Qusay tried to hide from a surrounding group: I seem to recall an AT-4 and some bodies. It seems that is this case, though, he was blown up by his own guys. This is not the first time that the man from Zarqa has been thought dead, however. Let's hope this one is real.

Anyway, we shall see.

EDIT: looks like we got the wanker, but We've no body yet. This leeads me, personally, to believe that he is still out there.

EDIT 2: Yeah, he's still out there. Damn.


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