14 November 2005

Cools Stuff

Bruce Willis apparently made some awesome comments on Rita Cosby's show recently (third hand info, but this, this, and this seem to back it up). He is so absolutly right that more must be made of the overwhelming good that is taking place there. I gotta give the man a hand for being an actor willing to actually understand the situation when so many blindly spout negative rhetoric about how horrible America is and how we must leave Iraq now and (by default) hand victory to a bunch of terrorists.

In other cool happenings, Keystyone opened. I went. It was SWEET! It was also very cold, thanks to a chilling wind. The lines were long, I got frozen, but it was all worth it. What really made it awesome was the perfect powder, not too hard and not too soft, neither too deep nor too shallow... and the fact that I was not on skis. Some that know me will find this to be a shocker, but I took my first snowboarding lesson. I'm hooked. No more dowhill for me except on special occasions. Until i learn Telemark, it's boarding for me! I got a ways to go to match my skill on skiis, but I have a feeling that I will snowboard better than I can dream of ski alpine style.
So, although it was packed and there was one trail open, it was so much fun, true food for the soul. I'll be going back up as soon as I possibly can. This almost makes up for the pool closing...


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