29 November 2005

From the Great Frozen North

...and I mean that as a compliment.
The Canadian government is about to get reorganized, at least that's the plan as some seem to have doubts. The Bloc Québécois, the Conservatives, and the New Democratic parties got together to bring a vote of no confidence against the Liberals, upset at some of the recent shinanigans, lack of direction, and outright corruption. I for one, am happy to see this. I think that Canadians as a whole are some of the best people out there and they've had a pretty raw deal from their govenment as of late. Things like tax cuts will be a great thing. Tax cuts are always a great thing.

Speaking of shinanigans, checks this out. What a massive waste of time, both ideas. While I like the idea of banning space-based weapons, China will likely never sign it and if they do, they will ignore it. Why do I mention China? It is the only nation that has the militarization of space (read 'orbital weapons') as part of its stated doctrine. We Americans, on the other hand, confine our 'militarization' to information gathering and communications birds. I wish we would get going on some space weapons so the Chinese can't claim that ultimate high ground unchecked.

As scary as all that is, I can hope that we can all these new space weapons (the "laser") at our new moon base ("death star") to shoot up the Chinese weapons platforms... you know, right before we go start an intergalactic war.
I guess this also means that the cover on our Stargate project may be getting thin thanks to Mr. Hellyer's whistle blowing. Guess my job might be unclassified soon... On the upside, that might mean that we can relocate to a building that has windows. That would be sweet.

Oh, and 'I'm going to pistol whip the next person who says 'shinanigans'!'


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