26 November 2005

Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men

So goes the secular message of Christmas. This, we can all agree on... okay, I know there are some miscreants out there who won't... Islamofascists, for example, harbor no good will at all. Anyway, in this season, keep that in the back of your mind so hopefully you will have the fortitude to resist the urge to be a greedy little pig. Christmas is not about stuff. This is also a nation where there is more than enough for everyone. Whatever you want will still be there when you get to it. Slow down, chill out. Christmas is so much fun when you take the time to enjoy it... and you enjoy it by slowing down. Savor this.

On to happier thoughts, of which there are many as this is by far my favorite time of the year, I've been pulling out my paltry collection of Chrismas music. This mainly consists of Manheim Steamroller, but I have some other stuff from such odd corners as Joy Electric and Viva Voce. I remember that when I was kid, we had these tapes of some New England folk Chistmas music that were just out of this world, they were so beautiful. I think a pilgrimage to Amazon is in order. I miss that sound... Of course, I also miss snow.
This may be Colorado, but the only snow to be seen is seen in the distance to the west. Down here, it's still pretty much t-shirt weather. Ugh. I like it when it snows one day, and then there is snow until springtime. That is winter, and anything else just does noty feel quite right.
Still, the lights are out, the snow up in the mountains is downright dreamy, and this leaves me feeling like i might just be able to recharge. I'm pretty pleased with life.

I get some time soon to slow down and think of things other than my job, which as much as I love it, has been very tiring and wearing as of late. I look forward to the breather. I'll be snowboarding. I might even dust off my skiis and hit some moguls, but that's bridge not yet suitable for burning.

It's now Christmas time, so I no longer need to threaten bodily harm to store managers who play Christmas music or who set up Christmas displays. I thought that setting up Chistmas before Thanksgiving and even Halloween was so innapropriate. I like to take my holidays one at a time and savor them all. After all, one does not cram a peanutbutter eyeball, a bite of goose, and a candy cane into your mouth at once... okay, there's a guy in my unit that would, but let's just say that he passes PFT's by the grace of God and a good deal of motivation shouting and screaming from myself and our psychotic director of training.
Where was I...
I want some tea... peppermint... hot... Bye, y'all! I'd wish you a Merry Christmas, but it is not yet December. Say, where are the mint M&Ms?

DISCLAIMER: The author refuses to wish anyone 'happy holidays', insisting on specifying which one. The author will cheerfully wish anyone a Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, or whatever the appropriate greeting is for Epiphany. He will even go as far as to wish you whatever sort of tidings apply to the 21st of December as long as you are not too much of a hippy and will not get all up his face about not celebrating Christmas. Further, the author believes Kwanzaa is a crock of... um... yeah... and will under no circumstances wish its tidings to anyone.


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