26 November 2005

Nobody bitched or moaned THEN...

IMAO had something serious... a link to a rather interesting pile of quotes... the website in question is Truth or Fiction.

So I guess it's totally cool to TALK about making the world safer and freer, but totally not cool to DO something to that end. I see how it is now. I now see that I could do a much better job in the Air Force by talking about what needs to be done instead of actually doing it. What a relief! My job is hard sometimes, but if all I need to do is talk about it, it will be so stinking easy! What a great idea!

I'm going in to my post and I'll tell my supervisor and my Commander all the things that I'll do and then take the month off. Oh, wait! I just told you, so I don't even need to go in!

Yep, that felt good. My job is now complete for the next month. Yay!


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