29 April 2005

Life, The Universe, and Everything

I'm going to collect names and places for my F22 post... my liking it has all to do with names and places... anyway, that happens tonight or so...

More immediatly, I'm off to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...

We had some freezing rain last night... it was a very hard ice, too. It was murder getting it off of my vehicle, even with the aid of de-icer. Fortunatly, I have a nuclear-powered defroster... I just cranked to "Volcano Heat" and let it sit for a bit. Seriously, the cabin can get hot enough to de-ice itself. While I waited, I took up my mighty ice scraper and helped scrape off another Airman's car. She turned out to be a really cool person with a service history almost as wierd as mine...

Stand by for my AWESOME F22 MEGAPOST and grumpy rants about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie...

"Be... EXCELENT... to each other..."


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