28 April 2005

Go hither!

Okay, if you are not reading Israellycool on a daily basis, you need to start: here's why. That is absolutly the best... moral of the story: Don't be a dumbass! Really, check your taget. Make sure it isn't you... and if you insist on nuking yourself, be sure and tell the world so we can laugh at you.

On a darker note...
"But the evil that we must fear most of all is the indifference of good men".
That's from one of my all time favorite movies, 'The Boondock Saints'. Now, I suppose that you cease to be a good man when you become indifferent to the murder described by the Father, or to (once again to Israellycool) rape in public!
To know of a crime in progress and do nothing is to become a criminal. It is your problem, it is your duty to do whatever you can to stop it. Don't assume that somebody else will step in. If you see something wrong, FIX IT! There are no excuses.
For example, there were at least three people who knew who kidnapped Jessica Lunsford AND where she was... they said nothing. Don't be like them...


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