28 April 2005

The other Castle Doctrine

Okay, it's time I put something of my own out here... I've been refering to other people's stuff too much.

Immigration, Illegal, Defense, WHY?

WHY are so many people standing up in defense of illegal immigration? Why is The President, of all people, one of those defenders?
What stake do people have in the continued breaking of a reasonable law and in the continued breach of national security? Somebody pease tell me, I'd like to know.

Now, I have talked this issue out with people and one of things that I and others in my position have been accused of is xenophobia. Let's dismiss that right now: I am not xenophobic. Xenophobia is not related to law enforcement. I have nothing against Mexicans, I don't mind their culture, and I am not afraid of them. They are just people.
I mind when people from mexico take it upon themselves to blow off our laws and disrespect those who have worked hard to come to this land legitimatly. That is not xenophobia.

Why are there even any illegal immigrants? It's easy to get into this nation legally... REALLY easy, easier than any other nation in world, as far as I know. For crying out loud there are Mexican who LEGALLY commute over the border for work every day. Why sneak in?
Well, one reason that I can theorize is that if a Mexican is simply here, he can't go to our public schools or draw other benefits. He's simply a Mexican in another nation. Sneak in here, pass yourself off as always having been here, and you can circumvent all the work required to be a citizen and still get benefits.
Please tell me that I am wrong. Please tell me that illegal immigration is about laziness... somebody! Give me another reason!

To be a citizen of this nation is not a right. It is a privilege, one that must be earned (I wish people born here had to earn it, too... perhaps then they would appreciate this place more and treat it and it's citizens with greater respect). Most of my ancestors immigrated here from Sweden, Germany, and Poland after the cration of the United States. They all came legally, they all earned their citizenship. I know many Russian, Pole, Chinese, and other immigrants who have earned their citizenship. To come here and take what must be earned is not only an insult to those who do play by the rules, but theft from Americans.

That was illgal immigration; now it's time to review border security.
Why are there opponents to increased border security? Are the opposers involved in the trafficing of drugs and human cargo? That's about all I can think of... Oh, wait, maybe they have ties of some to the Mexican govenment... they seem to want our border loose... or maybe they just hate the US as it stands... did I miss anything?
Where does this leave President Bush?

This is turning into a war, whether we admit it or like it or not... Mexican troops are coming up here and doing things, like kidnapping our people (see Worldnet Daily or Google Mexican Incursion). This is unnaceptable and must not be tollerated. This is a threat to law and order. This is a threat to peace. Our people, our own INS officers, are being asaaulted, and they are not even allowed to shoot back in amny cases.

I don't know how practical this is, but I'd like to see sentry posts about evey mile or tow along that boder, basicaly just close enough to have line of site to the next post, and instruct the personnel posted to destroy anything moving north that isn't headed for a legitimate crossing... maybe put this line a mile north of the border do give people a chance to turn around.

We can secure that border. Between physical barricades, electro-optical sensors, synthetic aperature radar, and even just letting the border guards do their job, we can keep every last inch secure. The fact that the border is not secure is one of the few innexcuseable faults of the Bush administration, one of the many of the last one.

In all seriousness, would somebody please tell me why a loose border and illegal immigration are defensible issues? The comment link is right there...

I still don't fell better after saying all that... time for some terrorist-killin' action (Athena Sword for now)... and then off to work to fight the real battle.


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