20 April 2005

Save the animals... for a price...

For a price, You can save some animals. This guy is a genius! I wish I had thought of that, although I eat an inordinate ammount of tofu as it is...

If we are not supposed eat animals, how is it that they are made of meat? I bet few bit the dust to provide the brats and burgers for our unit barbeque today... I thank those animals, for they were rather tasty.

On a totally unrealted note, I'm taking a liking to the Pope... Here's why:
"Christianity is not "our" work; it is a Revelation; it is a message that has been consigned to us, and we have no right to reconstruct it as we like or choose."
Ah, yes... truth... that which can not change.

I hear a lot of whining that the Pope is not South American. I read one guy who said that 'we need a pope for the people, who will work to end poverty..." yada yada yada.
I hear others condemning the man for being a Nazi.
As to his being German and not, say, Brazilian... SO WHAT? He could be a martian for all I care. Does it really matter where he's from?
German soldier DOES NOT EQUAL Nazi... people at that time had no choice. Serve or die... some people should shut up.

Fox News has more.


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