23 April 2005

WAY too much Star Trek

If this doesn't make you say 'for cryin' out loud', nothing will.
I was reading Space.com's Astronotes, and I came across the 21 April entry. Title: Beamed Into Space: Whale Songs. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I realized that it was not 1 April.

WHAT? Can you say "way too much Star Trek?" I suppose this is a great idea since there are so many whales in space... okay, other than the one that was sent crashing into a planet in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but since that one went splat into what it coined 'ground', it's not in space anymore.
You know, I am not so arrogant as to assume that aliens can understand humans off the bat, and maybe they can understand whales, but should't we figure out what the whales mean before we beam their ramblings into space? For all we know, the whales could be saying 'kill us all' or 'screw you' in the aliens' language... we could be beaming alien profanity into space right now... Wow. Imagine that headline: Loopy Hippies Bring Alien Apocalypse On Mankind. (for proof of loopy-ness and hippie-ness, go to the Whalesong.net site. At least they fund themselves.

Well, have a good laugh, and if you wanted to hear whalesongs LIVE IN CONCERT, you now know where to go.


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