16 February 2006


You know why I hate almost everyone in the MSM so much? It's because so many of them think that they are a branch of government, a part of the justice process, and maybe even THE authority to which all must answer. This administration has been accused of hubris, but for a better example, flip on the TV and tune to CNN. That's a far better example.

CNN is up in a tizzy because the VP did not go to them... nobody at CNN should be suprised. NOBODY should be surprised. You will not attract a person by being mean and unfair to them. Fox is not only number one, they are the only TV media outlet that does not completely suck and that still has some shred of objectivity.
Others are complaining that nobody was told about the incident. Hmmm. The local media and the local cops apparently don't count. Who the hell do these reporters and other MSM types think they are? Why does anybody have a right to know about this? They have a right to find out, as I said before, but nobody has a right to be informed.

Oh, and I guess it's only news if it's somebody famous. Wow. The geometry of that one confuses me.


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