19 October 2005

Cry race!

Dress codes are racist. Disaster response is racist. The Justice system is racist. The SAT even, is apparently racist.


Racism is the act of setting one race apart... of differentiating based on race...

Racism is placing people ahead of each other based on race.
Racism is calling for people to unite under the color of their skin.
Racism is separating history into colors.
Racism is allowing societal stratification based on skin color.
Racism is claiming that only those of a given color can speak for the rest of that color.
Racism is claming that a person needs help because of their skin color.
Racism is separting community by color...

Demanding excelence is NOT racism.
Difference of outcome is NOT racism.

We are all people. People is ALL we are. No more of this racism charge unless there is really something racist going on... and maybe that charge should be applied to certain people who seem WAY to eager to separate us humans by color... people who have gotten a pass for the longest time... Racists come in all colors, and all racists are equally deserving of pariah status.


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