10 May 2005

Movies that suck

I came across a New York Times article that spotlights some sort of downturn in movie attendance. There are some good points in there, mostly about rising costs (you can almost buy a movie for what it costs to see it in a theater), but also about content: When was the last REALLY good movie that came out? If not really good, what about original? I see more and more movies that have already been made getting re-made.

Look at all the sequels that come out that have no place, this is part of the trouble. XXX, for example, needed no sequel. Somebody saw that the first one made money, so instead of coming with a new story for a new movie that might actually be better than XXX (not hard), the producers pushed through more of the same without even trying for inspiration.

I suppose that if movies were more inspired, more inspiring, and maybe if so many of them did not suck, this downturn would not be there.

On a somewhat related tangent...
Top Ten Things in Movies that REALLY Bug Me:

  1. Bullets are not even capable of making sparks. I'll forgive Stargate SG-1.

  2. I want EXPLOSIONS, not fireballs. Fireballs are a REALLY lame substitute for an explosion.

  3. Suppressors (silencers to the movie world) are not musical: A suppressed gun sounds much like a normal one, but quieter.

  4. When things work out for a character despite doing everything wrong.

  5. The renegade loner cop archtype.

  6. Things that make sound in space.

  7. When actors don't even try to salute properly.

  8. When actors back up in a tactical situation.

  9. Squealing tires on dirt roads.

Last but not least:

  1. Actors using an accent to convey a foreign language.

My biggest peve is when a screenwriter does not even attempt to follow the storyline of a book, but this should go without saying.


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