01 May 2005

Michelle Malkin RULES!

This may well be the last time I link to Michelle Malkin for a while. Why? If I don't simply say, 'use the link over yonder --> to read Michelle Malkin as soon as you are done reading me', I'll be linking to her nearly every day... So now, I'll only do it when she just totally blows me away, like, for example, today.

It's totally absurd to claim that the enforcement of immigration law is racist. There is nothing racist about national security. There is nothing racist about denying benefits to those who are not citizens. There is nothing racist about keeping our citizens safe from harm. How did race even enter into this debate? In this sense, race is a non-issue in this nation. Racism is dying, it's last stronghold being the people who would try to turn a debate about security into a racial issue. If you are not a racist, why bring up race where it is does not concern anything?
Think about this logically: how is border security connected to race? If you say that it is tantamount to trying to exclude hispanics, I would say that NOBODY is stopping people in general, including hispanics, from coming here. All I and the sort who are Minutemen ask is that those who come here do it LEGALLY and that our border be a real border. We want to be safe, we want to know who is here. Is that so bad? If somebody can't be honest about who they are and why they are here, we not only don't need them, but they should be expelled.

I am so grateful for other voices that are speaking the truth, but it gets better. She hit three in a row OUT of the park... The next one below the Minuteman post is about reporterette and dirty rotten communist Giuliana Sgrena. The post highlights evidence that totally blows away the claims of the Italians... as if I, and I hope you, would trust any socialists more than the U.S. Army.
Next up, she lays down some words on voter fraud... Just go over there and read it, and if you have not bookmarked her page, DO IT NOW!


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