10 May 2005


Over at Israelity, I found this post and it just cracked me up, the bit about four-way stops. I just had to laugh, especially after driving around on an Air Force Base... You see, we love four way stops in the Air Force. They slow traffic and are a very fair way of managing an intersection. Here's the funny part: We treat them exactly opposite of the Israelis. If more than one person arrives at a four way on base, there is usually a furious exchange of hand gestures all aimed at getting the other guy to go first. It's even funnier if one of the cars is an SF vehicle: I've never seen them go ahead of ANYONE unless it's an emergency.

Back to Israel, I love that traffic light sceme of theirs. That is so cool. Imagine if we could implement that! That would help a great deal, I think, especially since Colorado drivers seem to think RED means that there is still time for three more cars to go...


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