13 May 2005

Dr. Rice & Gun Control

... or the lack thereof...

Dr. Rice spoke up about some of the many reasons that gun control is a bad idea. She was being interviewed by Larry King at the time.

Among other things, she highlighted the fact that one can't pick what they do and don't want from our Constitution. How right! Our Constitution here is an all or nothing deal, all being for those that choose to live here and none being for those who choose not to. It is most certainly not a living document, but a binding law that limits what the government may do. If it was mutable, it would not be worth the paper it was printed on.

Back to gun control:
Dr. Rice described how her father had been able to defend her family from the White Knights and how registration likely would have kept her father and other oppressed people in the area from defending themselves.
That's one of the reasons that we have a second amendment, so that nobody can legislate away your right to defend yourself.


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