10 May 2005

Burn in Hell...

I was about to sign off when I checked just one more blog... I Love Jet Noise.

I read the first post and was instantly seeing a red that would strike fear into the staunchest Communist.

Read this.

I had better never meet this puke. Do I really need to elaborate on just how wrong he is? This kind of thing is unexcusable. This sort of person is unacceptable.

Miserable excuses for men?
Incapable of working elsewhere?

Oh, it gets better:
"Despite common opinion, we are not a hate group to the degree that we do not (officially) condone acts of violence, or any illegal acts towards military facilities or personnel."
Uh-huh... How am I supposed to take this gracefully?

You don't have to like the military, soldiers, or the current war, but you have to appreciate two things:
First, the military is how your interests are secured. This should be obvious, but if it isn't, just imagine how far you'd get by yourself against a Soviet ICBM's payload of nuclear goodness. Second, how can you call the liberation from tyranny of anyone anything less than good? Do you think you deserve more than others or some such?

Michael Crook, please leave the country as soon as humanly possible. I suggest Iran or Cuba as a destination.

By the way, I'm a bit puzzled by the notion of Metallica as a pro-military band... I mean they're cool and all (or were until some point in the past ten years than fans have yet to agree on)... Actually, a quick look around the net would indicate that Lars Ulrich (drummer) in particular seems petty upset with the military, if only for using Metallica tunes without permission as a way of stressing prisoners...

On that final note, if you want to break a prisoner, I suggest anything from American Idol. Oh, wait, we need them to talk... you need a brain for that... yeah, Metallica will work just fine.


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