13 December 2005


The Army is once again ahead of its recruitment goals. Interest rates are up again. The stock market is poised to set record highs. Al-Qaeda's number 3 is no more. Japan feels they can buy American beef again and the first shipment leaves Denver in few days. Yup, doom and gloom all over, we are all going to die. Life sucks.

There is some bad news, of course... Sydney is dealing with some riots started by some racists who decided that beating up people who look middle eastern is a great way to improve their neiborhood.

People everywhere are wringing their hands over the death of Stanley Williams... yes, this is bad news. My the day never come when more sympathy is expressed for a cold-blooded murderer and looter than the people he stole from. Let it be known that the man was damn lucky to live as long as he did: while you and I (Americans) have been paying to feed him, clothe him, and shelter him, his victims have been silent, sent to the grave before their time. In fact, his victims have been silent for about all of my waking existance. That's a long time. Shed no tears for this man, he deserves none. Children's books do not make up for the dead and no amount of remorse could ever change the fact that in this man's heart lay the will to end the life of a person over nothing. Stanley Williams was honorless and worhtless.

EDIT: Gas prices are dropping too, at least in places that aren't subject to an increased tax because some looter figured that you demonstrated the ability to pay 3 bucks a gallon this summer... at the folks in Wiscosin are on the right track.


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