29 July 2005


I remember back to 2002 that I saw a preview for a show called 'Firefly'... sort of a western in space it seemed to me. It looked cool, but I was never able to see it because of my schedule. Fast forward to now...
I was handed a copy of the one and only season of Firefly by a friend of mine... he said that I needed to see it and his wife more than seconded that motion. Well...

I've seen almost all of it now. Most of the Airmen that I work with have seen it now. We all love it! It is one of the best written TV shows that I have ever seen! It's cool! It's funny (we were litterally rolling when a ganster gets kicked into a jet engine... you had to have been there)! It's even somewhat scientifically sound (no sound in space, bullets don't spark, etc.)!

WHY, we ask, is there only one season? This is pure gold! Well, I found out that it's Fox's fault. They wanted to make room for irreality TV so they nixed Firefly... throwing out the baby and drinking the bathwater, if you ask me. Well, it gets worse... it seems that they won't release the rights for the show to anyone else... WANKERS!

It is somewhat nice to hear that there are going to be some movies... but still... WHY throw away such gold and replace it with the tripe that's on now? Firefly gives Farscape a run for the money. Yeah. It's THAT good.
My two cents...
P.S.: Anything that shows 'The Alliance' as bad guys is cooool by me...


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