21 July 2005

That's PART of the story...

Read this...
....and the ask yourself: Does the fact that so many people back here rag on the guys over there have anything to do with it? Look at the news: all the main organs have on Iraq is 'doom and gloom'. We have U.S. Congressmen comparing those guys to NAZIS, for crying out loud!

It sucks living and working out there. It more than sucks to be away from your family. It is indescribable to your average civilian what it is like to be in a transport unit over there. It can't help to be detracting from the accomplishments of those men on national T.V.! They get to hear what is said, they get to read the news. I am for simply ending the brodcast or printing of anything that slanders, detracts from, smears, belittles, berates, or discourages our soldiers.

Whether you are for or against the war, it is going VERY well and our soldiers are doing a superlative job. Let's start telling those stories over here, as the smallest thing we can do back here to fix any morale problem over there.

Charlie Foxtrot out...


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