08 June 2005

Sit Down and Shut Up!

It is the soldier, not the reporter that secures the freedom of the Press... so when soldiers do that job, whiney reporters and their respective governments need to thank those soldiers, not do this.

I believe that it is also fair to say that Spain no longer has a say in any part of the war on terror since they knuckled under like a bunch of frightened schoolgirls to a fairly mild attack.

The second we let other governments try our soldiers for anything done in combat is a dark day indeed. Why on earth would we let a nation that can't stand up for itself get in our way when we stand up for ourselves AND their yellow-bellied carcases? Fortunatly, The Pentagon seems to mostly agree with this sentiment and they are not giving up the tank crew.

On a similar note, this latest flap down at Gitmo is uterly ridiculous. First off, we have not mistreated anyone. Second, we have not mishandled anything... although, I have a rhetorical question: Why should a book that relegate women to property and that calls for the death of Jews be held in any regard at all? Women are NOT property and Jews should not be killed for being Jews. Both groups of people are PEOPLE, endowed with every right that anyone else has. Why are we bowing to such a horrid religeon and their morally bankrupt text? If a group of people has a belief, fine... but the second that belief put others down for things that they can not help (being a Female, being Jewish, say...) that group should be destroyed.

People need to stop making the U.S. out to be the bad guys! Get with the program! We are not only a good nation, we are the best, without contest. I recognize the greatness of other nations, particularly Israel, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia... but none of them have done as much for humanity as we. Nobody in the world is as free as we are and no nation has freed more people than we have. WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS! Get on board, or get out of the way!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started! Sure, someone's appologized, probably after a session with thumbscrews, but to make those comments you'd have to be ignorant and or just plain evil. Doesn't anybody read history anymore?

21 June, 2005  

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