05 June 2005

Big Brother Is Watching

There have been proposals in the PRK (People's Republik of Kalifornia) and Oregon (A cooler, greener, version of the PRK) to do something like this. It's a a bad idea if you like liberty. I'm all for funding roads, but this is a potential way of tracking who is where when... not cool.

Rush Limbaugh highlighted this issue earlier this winter, citing as one of the driving forces the fact that fewer people are buying gas-guzzlers. Gasoline tax revenues are beginning to feel this trend, and lawmakers are scrambling to 'make up' the difference. What boggles my mind is how England, a nation where more the half the price of a liter of petrol is tax, is low on gas revenues.

Have any of you readers noticed that when a government wants more money, the first reaction is usually to raise taxes, rahter than to cut other things? You and I, if we want, say, a new car, would have to spend less of entertainment or even on our existing car. We prioritize. Is it too much to ask that our governments do the same?
Is it not worth killing a few programs if it means that our cars are not tracked by satellite?


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