26 May 2005

Some ARE Animals

I found a rather interesting article by way of Drudge... Here it is.

It's about a teacher who wrote an essay about why he hates his job and then had his class read and comment on it as an assignment. One parent, at least, expressed 'outrage'. Firstly, 'outrage' is an over- and miss-used word today. Secondly, is this really so far out of line? Is trying to get kids to behave at all out of line? I've seen some of the animals that the teacher speaks of. There is so little discipline in today's schools, nearly no discipline in today's children. Now, I don't see that many kids these days, but I'd say that of the ones I do see, about three quarters are behaving in ways that would have left my but in a sling. I can understand where this teacher is coming from. ANYTHING to get children to learn restaint and respect... I've seen what happens when these kids grow up... You must get 'em while they are still young. I say give this teacher a hand. He's doing a service... and far from hating kids, as one parent accused him, truly he loves them more this dereliction of a parent if he is willing to come with so creative a way to get kids to behave.


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