19 May 2005

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Mass Marketers

Could we perhaps have a movie that is just a movie? Dark chocolate M&Ms are a divine inspiration, but do we really need to be drinking slurpees out of Darth Vader's head? All this Star Wars garbage makes me sick... garbage not in the sense that Star Wars is garbage, it's one of my all time favorites, but garbage in the piles of merchandise. It was bad the last time around and with Lord of the Rings, but this display this time is downright sickening to me. I can't stand to go into Wal Mart and see all the Star Wars shirts, baby gear, toys, books, posters, candy, cereal, pop tarts, towels, toilet paper, flame throwers, and other made in China crap, I feel that it is an obscene display of opulence and cheapness, not mention a selling out of both soul and principles... I have not been to Wal Mart in a while, incidentally... This from a man who once wore Star Wars tee shirts, no less... It's simply too much this time.

As if this is not bad enough, Move On.org (go find the website yourself... I will not stain myself by linking to them) has begun to politicize the movie by comparing Bush to Palpatine on CNN comercials and leaflets.

ENOUGH ALREADY! Let's all sit down and enjoy what is going to be a totally awesome movie and then go discuss it over coffee... or just say 'that was COOL' to our buddies and then go outside to play.
For crying out loud, let's let the movie be the movie and NOTHING ELSE!

May the Yoda Mountain Dew be with you...


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