19 June 2005

My Father

It's a hiatus, but hey, I have the keyboard!

Today is Father's day, some day concocted by somebody for the purpose of honoring our fathers. This is something that we are SUPPOSED to do 24/7, but it can't hurt to dedicate a day to their honor.

Some of you may not have known your fathers (Is there a Luke Skywalker in the house... but seriously) and some of you may have had really awful fathers... this is not the case for me.

Mine is amazing. I could go on for ages, but I won't. Here's what you really need to know about the man, and what at this time has left the greatest impression upon me:

He's good old fashioned Yankee frozen chosen, but I'll tell you, he's still one of the coolest and most caring guys I know. He taught me a lot (cliche!), but he taught me some thing that I'm now using to defend this nation... little details that I never picked up anywhere else... little details that have solved major problems.

He's a model of persistance, cool under fire, and did I mention that he's persistant? He sticks to his guns in the face of the worst. I've seen other men, strong men, fail where he simply kept on moving, either disregarding or in spite of the odds against. This particular piece of character is one that I respect more than just about anything else, as it is the core of loyalty... I'd do well to emulate that.

I hope and pray that the years will treat this man well and that his ingenuity will continue to bless all of us... All he's done has certainly blessed me and given me a rather nice foundation to build upon.

God bless you, Dad!

Oh yeah, don't call your dad collect... for crying out loud! I've seen the statistics, I know how it works... unless you're peniless in Iraq or something... yeah, anyway...

Charlie Foxtrot... out.


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