29 July 2005

Say that over your own dead...

I was pretty happy with the new Pope, as he seems to be a man of unflinching principle. However, I have to take mega exception to some recent political comments of his.

First, read this, hat tip: Drudge.

Violations of international law? Gonna have to call a BS flag on that.
First, 'international law', as it now stands, seems to do more to help tyrants and terrorists that it does protect the innocent... so since Israel is one of two democracies in the region, the only nation in the region free of grievous human rights violations, and the most liberated nation in the region, I suppose it does not really matter how they keep it that way, does it?

Second, the Isrealis have, if anything, underresponded to the assaults against her and her people. Look at the number of people in Israel killed by terrorists as a percentage of the population... that should prop your eyelids a bit farther open if you don't already know.

Third, these retaliations against terrorists by Israel are not only just, but neccesary. Without them, the death toll would rise even more. I bet the Pope would have a far different view if the bombs were killing his people in the Vatican... turn the other cheek does not work with a force that is trying to kill you, for crying out loud!

Now, in all fairness, the Pope denounced some of the retaliation... I wish he had been specific. My point would be that every last thing the Israelis have done to retaliate has been kosher... sorry, could not resist. In fact, the Israelis have been bowing to the will of the terrorists by forcibly evacuating their own settlements!

Everybody who's ragging on Israel needs to stop right now and look at what is actually going on! They need to look at who protects the innocent and who kills them. They need to look at the behavior of the Israeli government and compare it to that of the PA. They need to look at how Isrealis contribute to the world versus how those under the PA do... then, with eyes and ears open, make their comments.

Charlie Foxtrot out.


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