06 November 2009


I guess that's how most Americans would write yesterdays date. We tend to remember dates associated with trauma and yesterday will be remembered for that reason. A man decided to kill a lot of people and made fair progress toward that goal. Such is the evil we all live with. I am referring to Maj. Hasan at Ft. Hood, TX.

Something very unusual happened, however. The culprit is alive. Usually, mass killers kill themselves or LE does it for them. An LE type did shoot this guy, but did not kill him. I am very interested to see what this guy has to say for himself. I expect that it will be the usual tripe about how horrible all those innocent people were to him or how horrible the U.S. is, but I'm hoping for real insight into a mind that gave in.

Meanwhile, my thoughts and prayers are with the Ft. Hood and Killeen communities.

Now meanwhile, is there something in the water? Some guy in Orlando just shot a bunch of people. This is one of those increasingly frequent times that introduces the thought into my mind "why do I bother?". It is hard to work hard to try to keep people safe and then to hear news like that once I'm back out under the sun. I still keep on, but this stuff is frustrating.


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