04 November 2009

Sick Call

Sick Call

So my base finally has a sick call because people were a bit angry that it was generally faster to just get better than it was to get a doctor’s appointment… for those of you who have not experienced “free” heath care yet, you’ll get what you pay for… So now we have Sick Call. Again, for the non-military, let me define: Sick Call is a walk-in clinic where one can be seen immediately for illness, but it only operates in the early morning and generally those considered well enough to make it there are considered well enough to return to duty.

I went in there this morning and the doc told me, “yeah, you’re pretty sick… still contagious, in fact. Stay away from people and wear this mask at work. Here’s 5000 dollars worth of drugs, have fun with ‘em.”

….riiiiiiiiight…. my fellow Airman are already aware of the situation and are trying to leave before I arrive so they don’t catch anything. This is so amusing in a dark Shakespearean sort of way.

Just amusing…

Stay healthy out there… I recommend kombucha. I should have been drinking it before I got sick.


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