25 April 2006

Obscene Profits

Per unit (can't recall if it's dollars or gallons, but it's irrelevant) of unleaded, oil companies get about seven cents profit. $0.07...
Per unit of unleaded, the various U.S. Governments get about sixty nine cents. $0.69...
These figures shamelessly ripped off from Glenn Beck...

.69 is about ten times .07...

Oh, but there is more!

Oil companies pay taxes...
Oil executives pay taxes as well, and in the case of a certain recently retired CEO, taxes will likely be in the 50% range... HALF!
You'll note that their product is heavily taxed as well...

Taxes are not levied by oil companies, are they?
I got your obscene profits right here! Why is anyone upset at oil companies?
I have a far better target for investigation on 'obscene profits': it's housed in a huge, marble, building in Washington, D.C. It has a dome. It's on one end of the mall, NOT the side.

It is Washington that has kept new refineries from being built.
It is Washington that has prevented drilling in ANWR.
It is Washington that has created the fuel shortages on the east coats by not letting the remaining MTBE treated fuel be sold.
It is Washington that has not cut taxes on fuel.
It is Washington that has not allowed the expansion of offshore drilling.

I want to scream endless explanations and exhortations until I stop hearing loud voices that either don't understand a simple situation or that wish to exploit that mass missunderstanding for political gain... but what good would it do? I'm hopelessly outgunned.

Next up: How a windfall tax would be paid by US.


Blogger Liam said...

“…loud voices that either don't understand a simple situation or that wish to exploit that mass missunderstanding for political gain…”

Hmm. Speaking of loud voices, it’s interesting that almost identical posts have appeared on all the right-leaning blogs I read in the last few days. Looks like the conservatives as well as the liberals can sing a party line. ;o)

One question though; what has the government changed recently to make gas prices so painful suddenly? It strikes me that the cause of the pain is actually the rocketing price of crude oil. A more interesting ‘Next up’ would be an analysis of the situations that have caused that price rise and what can be done about them that doesn’t involve annexing the Middle East and half of Asia.

28 April, 2006  
Blogger Charlie Foxtrot said...

I think that price has gone up because supply is not growing with the demand, especially as China and India have exploded in their economic growth. THis falls mostly on OPEC, but to an extant, at lest here, the failure to allow development can't be helping. There are few ways for price to drop and so many ways to increase it.

Party line? Hell yeah! I get my marching orders straight from Karl Rove AND the Zionist conspiracy ;)

02 May, 2006  

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