22 April 2006

Earth Day

It's Earth Day... not as exciting for me as Arbor Day, which today happens to be in this state.
I have not a thing for it, though... too bad really, this state needs many more trees as far as I am concerned. Granted, I'd plant trees in the ocean if I could... okay maybe not, but a few Perelandra-esque floating tree island would be neat.

Alas, I have no land on which to plant, though I suppose that trying to make forest invade arrid grassland is not the most ecologically sound idea. I think I'll just hold out for the day that I can move to someplace with many trees, and trees that are not carnivorous like the ones out here tend to be.

I had no point with this, I just thought I'd point out how much I like trees, and it was Arbor day so it will less like the ramblings of an Airman who sees far too little daylight.

Gratuitous Green Link.

Also, if you are into trees, look up cathaya some time. That's my most recently learned-of tree and it's an interesting story.


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