01 April 2006

Mile 55

Boba milk tea is a great pre-run breakfast. How Californian of me, I know. Also, I think that the 2006 Mizuno Wave Alchemy 5's are better than last years by a fairly good margin even if they don't look as cool. Now, I thought last year's were just about perfect... these new ones are just amazingly comfortable. I got the 2006 models right before this Ironman began...

Distance: 5.3 miles
Time: somewhat less than a hour, that's all I know. I really should buy a watch... but then I'd have to wear it.
Playlist: King's X (stuff from Dogman, Ear Candy, King's X, and Gretchen Goes to Nebraska)
Feeling: euphoric. I had an endorphine rush like no other since... that's another story.

Side note: It's been a while since I listened to King's X. I won't say that I forgot how awesome they are, but the reminder was a nice kick in the teeth. Those guys make very original and inspired music that really rocks.


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