17 February 2010

Clever little things

I took my wife out to fondue for Valentine's day. It's our tradition and always results in both of us rolling home satisfied, but not really wanting to eat anything for a few days. However, this time was different. She had a big test to study for and studying was not going well at all. After a great deal of frustration, she announced that she wanted more fondue. There really wasn't anything I could do, was there? It was late and the stores were closed, plus I am not experienced in the making of fondue. I decided to let her work things out while I cleaned and organized the house. In doing so, I discovered a small collection of those mini kits that you can buy at Barnes and Noble... tiny little things for the growing of bonsai, learning about "spycraft", or making fondue. I took out the fondue kit and opened it. A tea light, a tiny, ceramic dish, and flimsy, wire, stand, and a tiny manual spilled out. A mental inventory confirmed that we had some Alaska Winter in the house as well as some Gruyerre, so I set it all up, cubed an apple, and presented my with with whole thing.

Epic Win!


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