01 February 2010

Seen It Before

I do not have much time, but this is worth mentioning.

The Colorado state government is preparing to institute a tax on sugar.

Um, I've seen this show before. As I recall, it ends with a really nasty war.

Seriously, though, this is becoming more and more like a really bad dystopic future book. These taxes are insane! When will there be an end? When will people in this nation finally say "enough" and kick these greedy bastards (I'm sorry if any of their parents are/were decent folk) out of power? Look at all these taxes! What ISN'T taxed? We are taxed when we die, for crying out loud! We are taxed on money that we earn from corporations that are also taxed, only to lose more of what is not taxed as income to taxes on things we buy, things we own, and even our own deaths! If we want to invest our money, we get taxed on the returns! What's next, a birth tax? I'm sorry in advance if just gave some shyster lawmaker an idea.

What right does the government have to take all this? God only asks for ten percent. Last I checked, I lose about 25% of my income to taxes. I am an enlisted man with under a decade of service, so that will tell you just how filthy rich I am, not that wealth should matter anyway...
If God asks for ten, just who the hell do these lawmakers think they are? Why do they need all this money? I'm sure there are things that our government can do without. For example, the City of Colorado Springs has just turned off a large number of street lights and discontinued trash removal service to many city parks so it can save money. At the same time, the city is running ads on television to publicize some senior activity center. At the risk of sounding like Scrooge, what is the city doing running activities for anyone? At risk of sounding like a "traitor", what is the city doing taking out TV ads when they are turning off lights to save money? Our taxes at work...
The government needs some money. I know this well as the U.S. government pays me to keep bad stuff from happening on this planet. There are things a government needs to do, but just like any citizen, the government must operate on a restrained budget, fitting expenditures to income and not the reverse. Expenditures must be harshly examined and only approved if they are genuinely justified by the Constitution. For example, no government has any business funding art. Art will survive just fine with out looted funding. It predates government, actually. Paying farmers to grow or not grow crops is another thing that no government has any business doing. So is running media outlets, taking out advertisements, and funding "community organizations".

Too much is taken by the state. They have no right to so much and they have no right to take it in so many ways. Are we not taxed enough already? How is taking yet more money from the working man or the business mogul going to help anything? It is immoral and it will only lead to bad things. Taxation can not lead to prosperity.

There is an election coming up. I suggest taking a critical look at your incumbents. See if they voted for tax increases. If they did, vote with vengeance and vote for somebody who is not a thief. If you like high taxes, move somewhere that already has them. I understand that many European nations will cheerfully take huge chunks of your hard-earned money. Leave America to those who would keep what they work for.


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