28 September 2005

Gratuitous, Meaningless, Post...

I like nuts, too... I read that on IMAO, which I won't bother hyperlinking because if you need a hyperlink to find it by now, you are a ninja monkey and need to be destroyed. I'd destroy you, but I'm very tired... I need a nap...


That's better.
I had some avocado the other day that tasted good. I'm now forced to admit that avocados are not inherently bad, but that many are misguided.

I got my mix'n'match parts special 1911* working, FINALLY... The barrel is from a 1970's gun, the slide from a 1944 gun, and the frame fairly recent. The parts, especially the barrel, do not play well together, or didn't until took them to my super-secret lab and performed dark rituals upon them. Now they work fine. Now if I can get my infernal L1A1 working reliably (another parts special).

The New England Patirots suck.
So do the Denver Broncos.
Football sucks. We should use Australian rules.

Im monkey pork choppy McMootz... good night.

*Colt Model 1911A1, .45 caliber automatic pistol. If that was greek to you, think really old gun that shoots fairly large, slow moving, bullets.


Blogger Liam said...

Sleep well, FC... Sounds like you need it!

29 September, 2005  

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