17 August 2005

Finish it

Cindy Sheehan is so completely out of line that it blows my mind. First off, she acts as if her son's life was her own, that she still held sway over him. NO! He's his own man. He was doing what he wanted to do. I know she misses him, I remember having to run through a few things with my own mother concerning places I'll go and what could happen there. Any death is tragic, but listen to the soldiers for once! We want to finish, those there 100 times more so! Ask any of them!

Now, I said that I had the answer to Cindy's question, why here son had to die. Here it is:
Casey Sheehan did not believe that he was better than anybody else.
There... if you can't understand this, you are missing a key part of what America is and what it is to be selfless.

Cindy Sheehan is a disgrace, unworthy of her own son. You can argue until the cows come home about whether we were right to start this war, but you'd be a fool to argue for ending it prior to its end. To disagree is just fine, but her behavior is vulgar, disrespectful, and unconstructive.
Seriously, are we supposed to just turn tail and run? Are we supposed to concede defeat when we are winning? Are we supposed to turn our backs on yet another nation, like we did in 1975?
May the day never come.

I recommend Michelle Malkin for more.
Charlie Foxtrot out.


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