06 June 2006

Canada, of all places

Canadian police have just foiled a plot to detonate somthing like 3+ tons worth of fertilizer bombs in several Canadian cities.

Now, my first question is WHAT THE HELL? Is there a nicer, more laid back, less intrusive, less offensive nation than Canada? What did they do to incur this? Haven't they bent a long way towards appeasing the Sharia types?

On some level, I can understand why Islamic crusaders (would lunaders be the more appropriate term? Or is the crescent of Islam related to something other than the moon? Anyway...) would attack the U.S. We're big, we're loud, we're successful, our culture seems to be infectious, we are very un-Muslim as a nation, yada yada yada. But why oh why attack Canada? COME ON!

Okay, now I'll be serious. I know exactly why they got targeted. They are a free (mostly) nation and they have not bowed to Sharia law. The entire world faces this, this crusade that says 'convert or die'. The crusaders are not open to negotiation. Convert or die. It's much like the Inquisition's treatment of Jews. It is much like the behavior of some other religeons years ago. They were rightly condemned by modern man.

This just goes to show why we fight the wars we fight. Those who would not live as peasants under tryanical hands administering unjust law have three choices. We concede, we die, or we fight until there is nobody left willing to crusade against us. I don't like any of those options, but living at letting live is not an option when some nut job decides that since you are not worshipping his god, you must die. There is no way to negotiate with that. I can't concede to such injustice, I don't want to die, and I don't want to kill people. I want everyone to live in peace, but no ammount of hope or even example can stop a merderous crusade. So, I'm left with and we should all be left with the conclusion that the sort of people who tried to attack Canada, the sort that attack Israel, the sort that have blown up people in Spain and England, the sort that tried to blow up the WTC and who later crashed planes into it... they must be fought until they are all dead or they quit killing people who disagree with their concept of god.

If Canada is not safe, nobody is.


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