24 March 2005

Cynicism is a learned attitude

Still no outcry against guns... we had a a real 'Little Eichmann' kill a bunch of people in Minnesota and nobody is blaming guns! So when will they? This is so not like Liberals...

My guess is that the Left is all tied up trying to make sure that nobody brings Mrs. Schiavo a drink of water... ! This is one of several. Yeah, God forbid anyone should offer a drink to sombody.
This is serious! Stop and think about that! Really think... Giving water a crime? Somebody call the Boondock Saints! What are we to do when the force of justice is forcing a person to die in a way that would never be inflicted on a dog? What are we to do when the law make it wrong to give a person WATER! IT'S A GLASS OF WATER! WHERE IS THE HARM IN THAT? Once authority begins doing thing like this, they loose their mandate.

This is so wrong... and there's nothing I can do. I'm going to spend tonight doing what I can: my part in the vast legion that keeps all of you safe from bombs and what not... but it can be a hollow job when, as I face threats to this nation's outside, my people are committin an act fitting of our enemy behind my back. I wish that I was somehow able to not defend such people. They not only don't deserve it, but they really are the enemies of freedom and the U.S. Costitution... I seem to remember swearing an oath to defend something from all enemies, foreign and domestic... God have mercy on us...


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